Indiana's Best Florists

Find an Indiana  florist to make you the perfect bouquet, toss bouquet, boutonnieres, corsage,  table center pieces,  ceremony floral, and more!

Florists in Indiana

Let the professionals solve your floral needs!

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Northern Indiana

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Central Indiana

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Southern Indiana

Featured Florist In Indiana

Northern Indiana Florist

Wedding Florists serving areas near Fort Wayne, South Bend, Hammond, Gary, Elkhart, Mishawaka, Portage, Merrillville, Goshen, Warsaw, Valparaiso, Crown Point, the extended Chicago land area, and Michiana.

Central Indiana Florists

Wedding Florists serving areas near Indianapolis, Lafayette, Kokomo, Anderson, Carmel, Fishers, Danville, Avon, Greenfield,  Greencastle, Greenwood, Franklin, Muncie, Richmond, and Terre Haute.


Southern Indiana FLorists

Wedding Florists serving areas near Evansville, Clarksville, Jeffersonville, New Albany Louisville Metro, Columbus, Bloomington,Vincennes, and the greater Cincinnati area.


Featured Wedding Florist in Indiana

Let a florist bring your wedding flower inspirations to reality.

Amanda Bradford Floral Design Logo contains text and painted images of flowers


Based out of Hobart, Indiana

What started as a DIY Project turned into a passion that blossomed into something amazing.  BlossombyCassidy makes unique one of a kind wooden flowers.Read More

Amanda Bradford Floral Design Logo contains text and painted images of flowers

Amanda Bradford Floral Design

Based out of Marion, Indiana

Proudly Serving Central and Northern Indana, Amanda Bradford Floral Design is a budget conscious full service event florist. From Pinterest board dreams to reality on your big day, Amanda works with you to design the details of your big day from ceremony and bridal party florals to reception centerpieces. Day of services includeRead More

Maggie Sturgill Gracie Mae Events LLC 812.603.2025

Gracie Mae Events LLC

Based out of Columbus, Indiana: Florist

Gracie Mae Events provides event florals. They provide services from Indianapolis to Louisville! Fresh flowers for anything you need on your wedding day or big event! ...  Read More

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